• Revolutionary Warriors (Imperialists)

    This is the general name for the warriors that fought for reform during the Bakumatsu Era. They were categorized into five different groups based on where they were born: Satsuma (Kagoshima), Choshu (Yamaguchi), Tosa (Kochi), Hizen (Saga), and others (such as Mito and Fukuoka). Among them, Satsuma and Choshu were proud of their influence and power in the police and military departments, respectively. They long served as two great factions of the Meiji government.
  • Obstruction of Governmental Personnel Duties

    The act of obstructing a government official or public servant from performing their duties by using threats and/or violence.
  • Togisatsu

    The act of self-defense.
  • Samurai Class

    This refers to a social status given to those who were part of the samurai ranks after the Meiji Restoration.
  • Westernization Policy

    The Westernization policy is a government policy that aims to revise unequal treaties by taking in Western culture to show that Japan, too, is a civilized nation.
  • Kamiya Kasshin-ryu

    Kamiya Kasshin-ryu is a sword style with an ambition for “swords that give life”. Kaoru Kamiya acts as an acting master.
  • Sakabato

    A sword forged with the blade on the opposite side than usual.
  • Shinsengumi

    An organization formed by the shogunate to suppress revolutionary warriors that scheme to overthrow the government in power. The group consists of competent and skilled swordsmen.
  • Torimono

    Torimono (arrest) is when the police capture or seize criminals.
  • Sword Abolishment Act

    A law that came into effect during the 9th year of Meiji prohibited both samurais and commoners from wearing swords on their person.
  • Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu

    A fast and swift Satsujinken (murderous sword) that excels in one-versus-many combat. Hitokiri Battosai wields this sword style.
  • Hitokiri Battosai

    The given name for a legendary, skilled swordsman that operated behind the scenes with overwhelming power and strength during the upheaval of the Bakumatsu Era.
  • Meiji Restoration

    This refers to a political and social revolution from Edo to the Meiji Era. It announced an end to the samurai-based society, and thus the samurai lost many privileges and special rights during this time.
  • Shogitai

    A samurai shock infantry formed during the Meiji Restoration to support the shogunate.
  • Wooden Cannon

    A simple cannon used until the Bakumatsu Era. The clay balls shot out from the wooden barrels made of oak have the same power as normal cannons at close range.
  • Beef hot-pot (Gyunabe)

    This is also known as “sukiyaki” in modern Japanese. This dish represents Western cuisine and has gained popularity with and is enjoyed by the commoners.
  • Zanbato

    A sword created to kill an enemy and his horse in one fell swoop. It is old now and has lost its sharpness and cutting ability. Sanosuke uses it to crush his enemies.
  • Democratic Rights Movement

    A political movement that started with Taisuke Itagaki and his party filing the “Petition for the Establishment of a Popularly Elected Assembly.” This petition emphasized the importance of establishing the National Diet, constitutional reform, and the participation of citizens in government.
  • Suntetsu

    A small weapon that is concealable in the palm of a hand.
  • Equality For the Four Classes

    A thought process that tried to abolish discrimination based on one’s social status in the hierarchy of merchants, artisans, farmers, and samurai in Edo society and allowed commoners to have last names.
  • Sekiho Army

    n 1868 (the year of Keio 4), the Sekiho Army was formed as a nationalist squad immediately after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi, consisting of civilian and nonofficial personnel. They scouted the roadside domains ahead of the Imperial Army (Revolutionary warriors). They served as the guide and vanguard that assisted the main forces.
  • Ryuusosen

    One technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. The user slashes at the vital parts of the entire opponent’s body in quick succession.
  • Ryuutsuisen

    One technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. The user flies high into the sky and uses the force of gravity to swing the blade downward upon the opponent’s head in one fell swoop.
  • Shin no Ippo

    A well-known hypnotizing technique (also known as the “Isukumi Technique”), the essence of Nikaido Heiho. It paralyzes the victim and robs them of the freedom of movement as if they were bound by hand and foot.
  • Nikaido Heiho

    A sword style that consists of three forms: one, eight, and 10. The name Heiho comes from the character Hei, for flat, consisting of one, eight, or 10 strokes.
  • Haishato

    A technique to attack an opponent from unpredictable directions by switching the sword to another hand behind the back.
  • Hyoki Technique

    A Shadow Skill of Shin no Ippo. The technique of putting a strong hypnosis on oneself and unleashing all one’s potential power.
  • Battojutsu

    A technique where the blade of a sword races within the sheath and the sword speed doubles, even triples, when it is drawn out. A grand sure-kill attack that slays the opponent without providing an opportunity to counterattack.
  • Soryuusen

    One technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. A double Battojutsu using both sword and sheath.
  • Opium

    Opium is a narcotic created by drying the milky sap that can be gathered from poppy seeds. It creates absolutely terrible withdrawal symptoms, so it was strictly prohibited as an evil drug that could destroy an entire nation.
  • Sengeki Rasenbyo

    A technique of Beshimi from the Oniwaban group. A highly piercing technique using a spirally grooved iron dart shot from the fingers.
  • Oniwaban Group

    The strongest spy troop and a type of spy active during the Edo era. They were a secret organization working directly for the Shogun, comprised of those who excelled in combat tactics more than any other onmitsu. Nowadays, they are often referred to as shinobi or ninjas.
  • Fire Breath

    A technique of Hyottoko from the Oniwaban group. He creates fire with sacks of oil placed inside his stomach and teeth made of flint.
  • Battle of Aizu

    The fourth battle of the Boshin War, fought between the Aizu Domain and the Imperialist government army. Although the Aizu Domain surrendered, as they had protected Kyoto before the Revolution and apprehended Imperialists, the members of the domain were oppressed by the government for years on end since.
  • Spiderweb

    A common name for the opium that Kanryu Takeda had Megumi Takani make for him. Its special refining process needs only half the ingredients to make but doubles the addictive qualities.
  • Shinwan Spell

    A technique of Han’nya from the Oniwaban group. The horizontal stripe tattoos on both his arms create an optical illusion to mislead the opponent.
  • Shiken Stance

    A stance when both arms are extended from the Seigan stance while holding the blade parallel between the opponent's eyebrows. A solid defense stance seen in ancient sword arts, being able to immediately react to any change in the opponent.
  • Kodachi

    A sword that is between a Katana and a Wakizashi (short sword). As it is shorter than a katana, it lacks in offensive power. However, as it is light and very adaptable, it has high defensive power.
  • Battle of Toba-Fushimi

    The battle that started the Boshin War in 1868 between the new government and the old shogunate at Toba and Fushimi in the southern suburbs of Kyoto.
  • Kaiten Kenbu

    A technique of Aoshi Shinomori. A practical sword dance that combines the movements of Kenpo with techniques of the Kodachi. The movement is of flowing water, fluctuating speed at will.
  • Ryuukosen

    One technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. This is the only unarmed technique in Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu.
  • Gatling Gun

    A weapon developed in 1861 by Gatling, an American doctor. In Japan, the Echigo-Nagaoka Domain purchased it. In the Battle of Hokuetsu, this became a great threat to the Imperial Army.
  • Hatamoto

    A member of the vassal corps under the direct control of the Edo shogunate general, a samurai who was granted an audience with the army commander of the Edo shogunate. They were the core members of the standing army directly under the Edo shogunate.
  • Ukiashi Drop

    Mikio Nagaoka's deadly skill. A technique in which the sword is swung low to slither across the ground, aiming at the opponent's feet.
  • Shinko-ryu

    A group of swordsmen who aim to revive ancient sword art. Raijuta Isurugi is the head of the group.
  • Secret Sword Izuna

    A secret sword that Raijuta Isurugi acquired from a secret book of ancient sword art. This technique uses a vacuum wave to increase the sword’s cutting power.
  • Matoi-Izuna

    One technique of the Secret Sword Izuna. A technique in which the sword itself is covered with a vacuum wave and slashes at the opponent. Using a real sword, it boasts a tremendous cutting ability that can cut even a diamond in half.
  • Secret Sword Tobi-Izuna

    One technique of Secret Sword Izuna. A long-range technique that sends a vacuum wave and can attack opponents who are out of range.
  • Hiryuusen

    One technique of Hiten Mitsurugi-ryu. The sword is drawn from its sheath and is sent flying to hit opponents while spinning. The momentum of sheathing the sword is also used to drive another attack.
  • Nishiki Painting

    A type of Ukiyoe, colorful paintings that convey the culture and customs of the Meiji Era.
  • Ezoshi Newspaper

    A newspaper for the public with visual components consisting of Nishiki paintings depicting current events and a description of the print visual.
  • Meiji Enlightenment

    The phenomenon of the rapid modernization of Japan by adopting Western culture and customs during the Meiji Era.
  • Destornillador Sable Estillo (Electric Screwdriver Blade)

    A technique of Espiral Rotación. It is a saber technique that unleashes an enormous amount of power by using built-up energy from the rotation of the user’s body to the utmost limit.
  • Tormenta Infierno (Hell Storm)

    One of the moves within the Destornillador Sable Estillo technique. It is a thrusting move that uses built-up rotational power created from twisting the saber.
  • Tempestar Infierno (Hell Tempest)

    One of the moves within the Destornillador Sable Estillo technique. It is a thrusting move that unleashes the power of Tormenta Infierno repeatedly.
  • Tornado Infierno (Hell Tornado)

    The fastest and strongest secret move of Destornillador Sable Estillo. It is the most powerful thrusting move that unleashes its force by adding rotational power to the saber created by turning the user’s entire body.
  • Gatotsu

    A technique of Hajime Saito. This technique involves lowering his hips, thrusting his blade horizontally, and pointing his blade at his opponent. From this stance called Single Left Hand Hirazuki, where he gently places his right hand on the back of his blade, he shortens the distance between his opponent in one go, then rushes at and pierces his opponent.
  • Code of the Shinsengumi

    This is a set of rules devised by the Shinsengumi vice-commander Toshizo Hijikata for internal control. The code consists of five articles, and it is said that breaking any of them would result in death by disembowelment.
  • Three Great Nobles of the Restoration

    This refers to the three samurai who led Japan to reforms during the Meiji Restoration and nation-building after the restoration: Takamori Saigo, Takayoshi Kido, and Toshimichi Okubo.
  • Kioizaka Incident

    This occurred on Meiji 11, May 14th when Lord of Home Ministry Toshimichi Okubo was assassinated. Kioizaka is a hill located in present-day Chiyoda-ward in Tokyo and got its name from being associated with the Kishu Tokugawa clan, Owari Tokugawa clan, and Ii clan from the Hikone Domain.